My Ramblings about Formula 1

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Friday, June 16th, 2023

Well....that was an interesting Friday practice. I caught a bit of FP1 while on the bus when Gasly pulled over and the red flag fell out. Good timing for that lol since I was in no way ready for watching some stuffs. Shame for the folks who were actually paying attention since it looked massively boring. CCTV issues eh? It feels like when the internal phone isn't working on a plane so you can't take off. Like, come on! Everything is ready and working but we can't go because of THAT?! Ah well, as annoying as it is we have to prioritize safety. I'm sure that CCTV system does a lot more than we think it does and gets mega unappreciated.

In other news. Stroll's helmet looks absolutely beautiful! I love his designs, they're always so minimalistic and stylish. The white and light gray base mean the red pops amazingly well. Glad the profits go to a good place, somewhere really close to heart. Those wildfires have been doing serious damage.

Max looks quick as always, though he hasn't been the one topping the practice boards thanks to some wackiness. He still looks favourite for pole. Mercedes looks pretty quick too! I hope it's not just practice, as seeing Hamilton get a podium would be wonderful. The circuit means a lot for him so it would be a great sight! You know what the opposite of great sights are? Broken cars. Alpine and Haas, what's up buddies????? Need help?? All good???? What the cuss word is going on over dere... Broken down and on fire respectively is not a good start to the weekend, or "week-end" as they say in Quebec (DO NOT TELL THE LANGUAGE POLICE).

Can't wait for tomorrow! -Tilleul

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

What a great time to start this blog-thing, the weekend of my home grand prix! Montreal is one of those tracks that I always look forward to and love driving in games, but it can dissapoint me sometimes with the racing. It's nice that so many other people seem to enjoy and even love it.

Going into this race there's not as much to talk about. Max is so unbelievably quick that it's almost certain he'll be on top. I'm of course hoping and praying for a Stroll win but I severely doubt it'll happen. I hope an Aston is on the podium this weekend, I'd really love that. It's been amazing to see their pace this year, my hat's off to the engineers down at the base.

Weather wise, it looks like there's going to be some shwoers throughout the weekend. This helps bolster my Stroll hopium since he seems to be pretty spicy in the wet. But sometimes he just makes these idiotic mistakes and it really frustrates me!!

Speaking of weather!! I think it's a little scary just how much strong or strange weather we've had during the season so far. Imola being devastated by the flooding, oddly cool in Spain, and now massive rain again in Canada. (We're still dealing with the fucking forest fires too!) This has to be the direct results of climate change impacting more this year (man I'm glad there's no comments on this thing lmao). It's scary to see, even just with the select races we've had this year, just how much damage and suffering surrounds many people because of increasing danger from disasters.

To cap off this little ramble, I'm hoping there's some nice pride celebrations at the grand prix weekend. Canads is a very forward-thinking country, Montreal especially, and there's been a louder and louder minority of hate-filled right wingers who want to see people like me gone. F1 is a global sport and they should really push to show their support. I applaud Hamilton immensely for his continued support of the LGBTQ+ community!! He's a real beacon of light in motorsport, where it is all too common to be around fragile masculine dudebros who say "yOu wOUlDn't HaNdlE a COD LoBby" but then scream at pronouns in someones bio.

XOXO -Tilleul

Sunday, July 2nd, 2023

DAMN it stroll just got completely fucked by the virtual safety car ending!!! And god damn Sainz wasn't lying that man has PACE

ARGH -Tilleul