About Tilleul

Oh wow uhm, guess I gotta talk about myself here?

I'm Till, just a green anole thing(nor irl, I wish right?). I do things sometimes and sometimes not? Wow I'm not good at this. Uh. Did you know I'm the prime minister of Canada? Haha. Not really. Fooled you though!


Anywhoozers. Uhm. I post things I like to this website so it's just kind of one big mishmash. Cool of you to drop by!

Message me on discord at tilleul. I'm usually pretty active there! Any RUDE or HURTFUL comments will result in drastic action!!!! Still ironing out the details but don't say I didn't warn you.

You can have some info on my fursona if you want. If you don't want then, uh, idk.

Tilleul "Tilly" Limtré

Ref Sheet

Tilleul has evolved a bit over time, but always stayed the same personality wise (because he's supposed to be me lmao).

Fun Facts:

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